Dear Colton Daniel:
My pregnancy with you was tough but great. I experienced morning sickness from about week 4 until week 32. It didn't last all day but I could generally count on feeling terrible in the early morning and early evenings...and anytime I was hungry. I was very uncomfortable for the last 6 weeks and could never seem to get comfortable enough to sleep and if I did, you would wake me up by wiggling around (you loved 3:00 am wake-up calls). I didn't have any major complications during my pregnancy with you but the Doctors were concerned about your size during my pregnancy. At one point, you were measuring four weeks ahead of schedule. Daddy and I often explained that big babies and big heads run in our family but we still had to do lots of ultrasounds. We didn't mind though because we got to take a sneak peek at you more often.
Mama on the morning of your arrival. |
I had originally planned to try for a VBAC but with your growing estimated size, both the Doctor and I were concerned about my ability to pull it off. We had you estimated as a 10 lb baby! So, on March 12, 2010 you came into the world by an elective c-section. You were delivered by my doctor and dear friend, Dr. Laura Moylan. You weighed in at a "tiny" 8 lbs 13 ozs. You were not happy to be taken out of my belly and let everyone know about it! Your grandparents and Aunt Kelly could hear you yelling out in the waiting room. Daddy and I thought you were the most handsome thing that we had ever seen. You were starving (as you usually are) and began to nurse just as soon as you were given back to Mama.
Meeting Mama and Daddy |
Ready to go home |
Your nicknames are "Colti" and "Turtle". We call you Turtle because in your first few days you had a way of wrinkling up your whole forehead and looking up at me. It reminded Mama of a little turtle and while you don't give us the turtle face anymore, the name has stuck.
Turtle face |
You were and still are such a snuggle bunny. You sometimes have you Daddy's temper but just love to laugh and play. You adore your big sister and your doggie. You do everything in your own time. I was convinced that you were never going to walk and then at 13 months you just took off. By 14 months you were running.
Love that Sister! |
We celebrated your first birthday with a Phillies themed party at our house. You were your very first Phillies jersey and baseball hat (Daddy just grinned from ear to ear). It was a wonderful family celebration. You got tons of gifts including a ball pit and Phillie's bear but you loved the paper and bows most of all.
Happy 1st Birthday Colton!!! |
You started school at Building Blocks Academy when you were 11 months old. Your first teacher was Ms. Ensong and you just adored her. You have since been moved up to the 1 year old room and you aren't quite as sure about that but you do love the art projects and going outside
All ready for your Baptisim |
Your were very healthy your first year with the exception of never ending ear infections. At just 9 months you had to have your first ear surgery and then two months later you had your second. You were a real trooper and we think we are finally on the mend even though you still have a small hole in your eardrum.
In your hospital bed at A.I. Dupont |
You love to play with your ball and drum and are very curious about everything (and also into everything). You are communicating with a mixture of sign language and words and your biggest hobby is eating! You enjoy watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Handy Manny. When you are playing outside you are at your happiest. You have a wonderful belly laugh that Daddy and I adore and a smile that can light up the room! You were diagnosed with a mild case of asthma recently and absolutely hate the breathing treatment machine.
Your reaction to being kissed by one of Cinderella's stepsisters in Disney |
We are so proud of you! You light up or lives and are the perfect completion to our little family. I love you more than words can say!
Happy Family of four! |
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