Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Twenty Questions with Colton (3 years old)

It's hard to believe but my little guy is now 3 which means it's time to start the annual birthday Q and A with him. Colti's words are in blue:)

1.  What is your favorite color?    "Lellow" (okay, I know I should start correcting him and making him say "yellow" but it's so stinking cute!)

2.  What is your favorite Movie?  Mickey Mouse (I was positive the answer to this was going to be Wreck it Ralph or Peter Pan which we watch endlessly right now!)

3.  What is your favorite toy?  Mickey Mouse, Mickey One and Big Mickey

4.  What do you like to do with Mama?  Play peter pan

5.  What do you like to do with Daddy?  Play Jake and the never land pirates and daddy is Captain Hook

6.  What is love?  Valentine's day and flowers.  I will give you a flower.

7.  How do you know Mama and Daddy love you?  Because I make good choices and you told me that

8.  What do you want to be when you grow up?  ummmmm.....a scarecrow (Lol...he has seen a LOT of Wizard of Oz lately!)

9.  What do you think Brynnie will be when she grows up?   uhhhhhh....Brynnie will be the tinman.

10.  Who is your best friend?  Trae Loper and Madi and Mama and Daddy and Brynnie and Pumpkin.  Not T.O. because T.O bite me.

11.  What is your favorite song?  I had a little Turtle.  I named him Tiny Tim.  I put him in the bathtub to see if he could swim.  He drank up all the water.  He ate up all the soap.  And now my little turtle has a bubble in his throat. Bubble, Bubble, Bubble.  Bubble, Bubble, Bubble.  Bubble, Bubble, bubble. Bubble, Bubble, POP! (sang at the top of his lungs).

12.  What do you like most about school?  Playing with my friends

13. What is the worst thing about school? When I make bad choices  What happens when you make bad choices?  I get in trouble and it's not good

14.  What is your favorite thing to eat?  Candy

15.  What makes you happy?  Mama (yep, totally melted)

16.  What are you good at?  Playing toys  What else?  Splashing

17.  What is your favorite thing to do with Brynn?  When she read her book to me and when we play in the rollers (roller skates).

18.  Where is your favorite place to go?  Mommom's house

19.  What is the most fun thing you have ever done.  Play toys

20.  What is something that you are looking forward to?  Huh?  What you said?  Uhhh...I don't know.

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