So this particular post is way over due (like two months...but whose counting) but I'm determined to go back and catch up on some of those big moments that I missed.
We started our fall in not one of the best ways possible. Both of the kids had to have minor surgery (I say minor but at the time this Mama thought it was anything but minor). Colton had to get his third set of tubes in his ears and Brynn had to have a tonsil and adnoidectomy. I was quite honestly a nervous wreck (yea...I know but Drama Queen is just in my blood).
The night before the surgery we stayed at Grammie and Grampie's house (to save us 40 mins of drive time). Brynn was feeling a little bit of apprehension about the whole thing at this point so I decided to get the kids a cake to celebrate the new tubes and say goodbye to those yucky tonsils. The cake was supposed to say "Hello tubes, Goodbye Tonsils"...
Prior to taking the kids into the operating room the nurses gave both them some medicine to help them relax. The doctor told us that it was an anti-inhibitor. He said that it would make them feel "drunk". It had very different effects on the kids. Colton turned into the life of the party. He was laughing at everything and being really silly. Someone asked him if he could whistle and he stood on his hospital bed, shouted "woot woot" and then busted out laughing. Brynn on the other hand got really weepy and snuggly. Thus Colton went into the operating room laughing the whole way. Brynn went in crying for Mama and holding her arms out to me. It seriously broke my heart. I stood there and bawled.
Over all both kids made out great. Within a couple of hours, Colton was released to Ronald McDonald House with Daddy. Brynn came out of surgery in pretty rough shape. She was in a lot of pain. Once they got the pain under control she was a champ! She at tons of icecream, watched a lot of movies and enjoyed charming all of the nurses. There was a vomiting incident in the middle of the night but the nurses quickly got that under control with the help of some medicine.
Colton was back to himself a day later (he did have the post-anesthesia rage the night of the surgery but I spent the night in the hospital with Brynn so I missed it). It took Brynn about a week to get back to normal. She was really pale and tired easily for longer than I expected.
All in all I'm really grateful that things went smoothly and that we did both surgeries. Neither kid has been back to the doctor since the surgeries (knocking on wood).
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