Friday, May 31, 2013

20+ questions with Brynn (6 years old)

How time is a flying...Here's the Q & A session with my 6 year old.  Brynn's words are in blue...

1.  What is your favorite color?  Purple!

2.  What is your favorite movie?  Wizard Of Oz

3.  What is your favorite toy?  Woodie and Jessie.  Mama, why are we doing this again?

4.  What do you like to do with Mama?  Go shopping, have sleepovers and get our nails done...and that time we put that yucky stuff on our faces (aka. Mud masks).

5.  What do you like to do with Daddy? Snuggle and go to the zoo.

6.  What is love?  It's when you like someone a lot.  Then you love them.

7.  How do you know that Mama and Daddy love you?  You take me to school, you tell me and you are always nice to me.  Always?  How about most of the time?  Giggles...No, you are nice all of the time.

8.  What do you want to me when you grow up?  A Mommy and maybe a dancer

9.  What do you think Colti will be when he grows up?  A rocket driver or a pirate

10.  Who is you best friend?  Carley.  And Mama and Daddy and Abby and Colton, Kaylee, Riley, Hunter, Aiden, Shayden, Riley and Ava....  Mama, I have a lot of best friends.

11.  What is your favorite song?  Sophia the First and It's Time for your Check Up (Doc McStuffins).  Oh wait!  Can I change my favorite song?  Sure!  Dynamite!  Dynamite?  Yeah you know...(singing) I throw my hands up in the air sometimes saying AAAA-yo, gotta let go!

12.  What do you like most about school?  Everything!

13.  What is the worst thing about school?  Nothing!

14.  What is your favorite thing to eat?  Icecream!

15.  What makes you happy?  Mama and Daddy (melt) and Disney.

16.  What are you good at?  Uh...that's a hard one.   Soccer, ballet, tap and reading and sometimes taking care of Colton.

17.  What is your favoirte thing to do with Colti?  Have a sleepover!

18.  Where is your favoirte place to go?  Disney!  Where else?  The zoo

19.  What is the most fun thing you have ever done?  Go to Disney

20.  What is something that you are looking forward to?  Having a sleepover with my friends and Miss Delaware and going to Disney (FYI:  We do not have a  trip planned for the foreseeable future).

Mama, can we do some more questions?  Uhhh...sure? We'll do a few more.

21.  What is your favorite TV Show.  Sophia The First and Doc McStuffins

22.  How much does it cost to buy milk?  Ummmmm....$5.00.  Is that right?

23.  How much does it cost to go to Disney? $100?

24.  If you had a million dollars what would you buy?  A Disney backyard (the child may be obsessed).

25.  What do you think will be the most fun about being a first grader?  Learning more and all the new work we get to do.

Mama, can we do a few more?  No Brynn.  It's past your bed time and you are stalling!

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