Today is Brynn's First Day of Pre-K. She was so excited to attend her new school and must have asked at least 20 times on the way "Are we there yet?". Dan and I both dropped her off because we both really wanted to see her off. She walked right in, put her stuff in her cubby, and went off to play. She is so ready for this new adventure. I am so happy for her and proud of her but...Sigh...Mama is struggling a bit!
Brynn in front of her cubby |
The hardest part of the morning was not seeing Brynn off (because she was so happy. And I'm in no way saying that it was easy) but in watching Colton walk into his school all by himself. Colton and Brynn are very close. He used to cry when I dropped him off at daycare but in the past several months Brynn has taken his hand and they very happily walk off together into the multi-purpose room (this is where all of the kids play in the morning until their teachers come get them). So...I'm really sad about Colton being there by himself. Last week another little boy hit Colton and Colton took off running for his big sister. It breaks my heart to think that he doesn't have anyone to run to now. I'm sure he will be fine and that this is much harder on me than him but like I said...I'm struggling a bit.

Last night in preparation for today, we read the book "The Kissing Hand". If you have not read this book and you have a child that is about to go to school, camp, a weekend away, etc., you have to get this book. It's about a little raccoon that is scared to leave his Mama to go to school for the first time. His Mama places a kiss in the palm of the little raccoon's hand so that he will be able to feel his mother's love whenever he wants. We read the book and then took turns exchanging kisses for our kissing hands. I don't know about anyone else but I am sure happy to have my kissing hand today!!!
Brynn at her Pre-K open house the other night. This is her classroom. |
I'll let you know what Brynnie says about her first day of school...
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