Wednesday, August 24, 2011


So, yesterday I'm in Wilmington in an important business meeting.  We were reviewing this publication that I have been working on that is now officially behind the deadline (not a major deal because I set the deadline and am a bit of a slave driver when it comes to work).  We had been working on it for hours and we were really making some headway.

All of the sudden the conference room table starts to shake.  I couldn't figure out what was going on.  I looked up at my co-workers who all were just frozen and then I noticed that the walls behind my boss were shaking. Did I mention that I was in a sky scraper (ok...a 10 story building may not technically be a skyscraper but to us small town girls IT IS!)?  I grabbed my cell phone and said, "We have to get out of the building".  September 11th flashed through my head and I just knew the whole building was going to collapse (I told you I was a small town girl) and the only thing I wanted to do was get out of that building. 

What a surreal moment!  It's funny how in the flash of a second so many things can go through your head.  My first thought as I said was 9/11 but then I thought:  hurricane?, OMG!, Is this the end?, gotta call Danny, the kids!, #@!%, GET OUT!.  I'm sure there were more thoughts in there but those are the ones that stand out in my head.

So we did finally get out of the building and for as far as I could see there were just people streaming out of all of the buildings in the city.  We were being told that we had to walk away from the building (which made no sense to me because then we just walked in front of another high rise building).  I knew Dan was in the city as well so I tried to call him but couldn't get a call through.  I tried to call my mom but couldn't get a call out to her either.  My sister somehow got a text through asking if I was okay but I wasn't able to respond to her text.  So frustrating!!!!

In the end it turned out to be such a minor thing, thank God,  (though very annoying because my car was stuck in the parking garage which had to be inspected for safety before we could get our cars) but...HOW SCARY?!  I just know that it is one of those moments that I will always remember with vivid clarity.  This is one experience that I hope to never have again!

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