Today is my birthday so the plan was to spend the weekend celebrating. We had planned a family barbecue to celebrate but Hurricane Irene put a huge damper on those plans. Family bbq's are one of my favorite things in the world so I was disappointed but all in all it turned out be a great weekend.
Colton is ready for Irene:-) |
Mom and Glenn were able to make it over Saturday morning and to stay for lunch (which was fabulous because we had a TON of party food that was already prepared). We enjoyed some time with them and the kids were thrilled to have some visitors and eat birthday cake (the cake was prepared by Brynn and Dan it was SO yummy). The decorations just crack me up!
Don't you just love the Christmas tree sprinkles?! and...ahem, the age:-) |
Later in the day (and the best part of the weekend) we decided to let the kids go out and play in the rain. When we first went out, it was not raining too hard. The kids were just playing on the deck and I was watching from the door. They were having a blast so I decided to join them to do a rain dance. That turned into a game of rain tag with Brynn. It wasn't long before Dan saw all of the fun we were having and joined in. We went racing around in the back yard for a few minutes and then I noticed all of the puddles in the front of the house. Brynn's favorite thing in the world is to jump in puddles so we decided to head out front (despite the fact that neither of this kids were wearing pants...I can just imagine what our neighbors were thinking. Lol!). At this point the heavens opened up and it started to rain buckets! Brynn and I splashed in the giant puddles for awhile, sang dancing in the rain, and checked out the drainage system (I love an opportunity to teach!). We were all soaked through by then and
Colton was starting to shiver so we decided to go back inside. So...I have decided for forgive Irene for ruining my bbq because I know I will never forget the fun I had with the kids out in the rain;-)
Just after running around like crazy in the downpour. |
Playing tag in the rain |
Saturday night was a bit scary...okay a lot scary! In the end, we made out fine. There were a couple of homes in our neighborhood that had some minor damage but we managed to escape with just a bit of water in our electrical box. My entire family made it through safe and sound so I am a very thankful girl!
On Sunday, we had the best dinner! Weeks ago Dan and I were watching "Man vs. Food". If you haven't seen that show you have to watch it! Anyway, they were showing all of the best foods from ballparks and one of the things we saw was a bacon cheeseburger served on a glazed crispy creme donut. I thought that it looked like a brilliant idea (I love the salty/sweet combo...Mmmmmm!). This is not something I would eat on a regular basis because I am still trying to lose weight and I would guess that it has a billion calories. However, when Dan asked what I wanted for my birthday dinner, this was the first thing that jumped to my mind. Because we had eaten SO horribly for the rest of the weekend we decided to just go ahead and top it off with my birthday dinner a day early so we could get the major fatness out of the way. So Danny cooked up our bacon cheeseburger donuts. OMG...this is the greatest thing in the entire world. I'm sure it raised my cholesterol several points (and is responsible for at least 2 of the 4 lbs I put on this weekend) but it was SO worth it!!!! I will just add in an extra workout (or two) this week:-)
Best thing ever!!!! |
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