I know, I know...blog slacker again. There are so many things I still have to tell you about (soccer, church festival, farewell party, Ragtime) and I'm getting really behind. I have a couple of minutes so I'm just going to start with the most recent "event" for the String Family and I will just fill you in on the rest as I get to it.
So...my baby got his first haircut! To be honest, he has needed one for awhile but I have been putting it off. I adore his little fuzzy baby hair but even I had to admit that he was starting to rock a mullet. More and more people were starting to tell him he needed to get a haircut so when I finally had a few minutes on Monday, I took him.
Baby fuzz:-) |
Colton is not so good at sitting still but he did great. I think he was confused as to what was going on which happend to work in my favor. I'm going to try to include some video but who knows if it will work...
He looks like such a big boy now!
Enjoying his post haircut lolly:-) Clearly it's naptime... |
I'm impressed you figured out how to post a video! Tell me how you did it! I've tried uploading a picture from my phone before and didn't have any luck!