Friday, July 29, 2011

You can take the girl out of Southern Delaware...but you can't take the Southern Delaware out of the girl:-)

This week, I am embracing my Southern Delaware roots...It's Fair Week!!!  I know that my redneck points are going to go up several points by admitting it but...I LOVE the Fair and am actually a stockholder!!!

When I was young, my Dad worked for Chambers and spent his work week at the fair and because of that my brother, sister and I were able to spend a ton of time there.  I would guess that we went pretty much every day for the entire week.  I'm going to date myself a bit but back in day the fair had Hardee's Day every year, where you could ride rides all day for $10.  My siblings and I would count down the minutes until Hardee's Day arrived and then spend the entire day riding one ride after another!

I have tons of happy memories of the fair:  riding rides with my friends and family, going to concerts (yes I did see both the New Kids and Milli Vanilli), going to the demolition derby with my dad (driving in the demolition derby is actually on my bucket list...redneck points just went up again), working there with Department of Elections,  Riding rides with the Governor as Miss Delaware, eating lots of yummy food, competing with my cheer and dance teams...This could go on for awhile!

We had a busy week this week and didn't get to go as often as we would have liked but did make it a couple of times.  On Monday night Dan surprised me with Toby Keith tickets.  It was a GREAT concert.  For his encore he brought up some members from the military and did his America Hero Song.  It was amazing to see them standing on stage while the entire audience waved American Flags....very cool!

On Wednesday we took the kids to the fair.  I love that they both love it!  We watched part of the circus (loved the acrobats but felt horrible for all of the animals) and the parade (twice).  We then went to visit all of the animals and the petting zoo. Brynn was able to hold a baby chick which she thought was just fabulous. Colton wanted to hold one too but he was not what I would call gentle so we had to put an end to that pretty quickly.

I wanted to take a picture of Colton sitting on a tractor so we went to do that.  We put him on a big John Deer tractor and then could not pry him off...HE LOVED IT!  I think he would have happily sat there for the entire little country boy:-)  Brynn sat on the tractor too but was eager to get to the rides at this point.

Both kids had a great time on the rides but boy were they expensive!  When is Hardee's

We topped off the evening with ice cream and cotton candy...after all, the junk food is probably one of the most important elements of the fair!!

We had a great time and can't wait until next year:-)

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