Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Candelight Dinner

Last Friday was a big day for me at work.  For the past 10 months I have been re-creating a Domestic Violence Medical Manual for Health Care Providers.  It teaches doctors/nurses/intake professionals what the best practices are for working with victim's of sexual assault and domestic violence.  This has been a HUGE project.  On Friday, the completed manual arrived at my office hot off the press.  I have never been so excited (by work).  I am very happy with the way it turned out  and the press conference and release is all set up for March.  Wooo Hoooo...I did it:-)

10 months of work...

Dan has a vague idea how this project has completely taken over my work life so when I got home Friday night he popped open a bottle of champagne to celebrate.  Back in the day this kind of accomplishment always meant champagne and a candlelight dinner somewhere (sometimes home).  We haven't had a candlelit celebratory dinner in a long time.  It's not that we haven't had things to celebrate but it's a little different with kids.  Our schedules are so crazy that we hate to get a baby sitter unless we have to.  We usually opt for carpet pizza picnics instead because the kids enjoy that and our time with the kids is really precious to us. 

But Friday night was really big for me so...we decided to have an impromptu candlelit dinner WITH the kids. It was a huge hit!  The kids loved eating by candlelight...though Brynn was a bit concerned that she might accidentally touch a candle.  It was definitely not the quiet candlelit dinners of years past...it was even better.  I love seeing the world through the kids eyes and experiencing new things with them. I am one blessed Mama and it was the perfect celebration:-)
I'm pretty sure that the table cloth will never be the same but totally worth it:-)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Flash Back Friday: Lake is in the House!

This picture is of my high school cheer team.  We are holding up the "W" for "Whatever" (The movie Clueless was big that year).  This was at nationals in Florida my senior year.  Our school had never been to nationals and we were all so thrilled to just be there.  We did not place but we did have a great time!  I have so many amazing memories with these girls.  We were so young, fabulously naive, on top of the world...and so darn skinny:-)

Side note:  It was on this trip that I decided I was going to go home and break up with my boyfriend and see where my crush on Dan went:-)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Music Man

Colton is a music nut!  He LOVES to sing and dance.  The poor boy has spent a lot of time watching Brynn dance and play soccer so Dan and I really wanted him to have something that was his own to do.  When Brynn was very little we had signed her up for a music class.  Not really because we thought she would learn a lot but because it was before she started school and she desperately needed to socialize with kids her own age.  Because Colton loves music so much we thought of the music class and thought that it might be something he would enjoy.

It's a 10 week program and the kids (and parents) learn songs, play instruments (well...sticks and maracas anyway), and do some dancing.  After signing him up, I started to feel a little bit of buyers remorse.  It seems kind of silly to pay to go somewhere to do the things that we already do at home.  But, the check was in the mail so off we went two weeks ago for his first class.

About 5 minutes into the class, I decided that this was well worth the money.  I don't know that Colton is going to learn a lot or become a musician but the way is whole face lit up made it worth every single penny.  He just loves it!  He sang, danced, had some wonderful belly laughs, and got some quality one-on-one time with Mama.  I love my little Music Man:-)

All ready for his first class.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Jury Duty

Yesterday began two weeks of jury duty for me.  This may seem strange to you but I was SO excited when I opened up the mail and found my summons.  I have ALWAYS wanted to sit on a jury!  My boss offered to write me a letter asking that I be excused but I declined because I really wanted to do it.  She just shook her head and said "oooooookayyyyyyyy".

I must admit that the odds of me actually getting picked to sit on a jury are...well...slim to none.  My brother is a State Trooper, I am a law school graduate who practiced for two years and I have spent my entire career advocating on behalf of Victim's Rights.    One of those things would be enough to eliminate me but combined together it leaves me with little hope....except I still REALLY hope that they will pick me.

So on Sunday night I call the juror phone line and am completely thrilled to learn that I have to report on Monday (your term is for two weeks but every night you have to call the number to see if you have to report the next day).  The down side is that I have to report to Superior Court in Georgetown.  I never had any cases in Superior Court but this is the town in which I practiced so the odds of me knowing one of the attorneys involved in any case is pretty high which will automatically eliminate me from any jury panel.

On Monday, I arrive to Superior Court early (so excited). The paperwork informed us that we were not to park in a metered spot and we could not use any of the spots in the court parking lot that have a blue and white reserved sign.  I pull into the court parking lot only to discover that EVERY spot in that parking lot is marked with a blue and white sign.  "No big deal", I think, "I'll just park on the street somewhere".  I begin to drive around and everything within a 3 block radius is a metered spot.  Sigh!  I finally find a spot 4 blocks from the court and park there.  At this point it is sprinkling outside and I realize that I have no umbrella.  Ugh!

I walk the 4 blocks to the court and go to the designated "juror door".  When I am about a block from the court I notice this long line of people wrapping around the block.  As I get closer I learn that this is the line for Jurors.  Ummm....wtf?  So, I along with about 125 other people stand outside in the cold and in the rain for about 10 minutes.  Didn't that paperwork warn us not to be late?!  Once my toes have turned to blocks of ice they make the decision to open the doors and allow the jurors to come in.  This took another 10 minutes because each of us had to go through metal detectors and have our bags x-rayed.  We then walk into the lobby of the court.  There are about 50 wet and cold potential jurors milling aimlessly around the lobby because there is no sign or handy court helper there telling us where to go.  Finally someone bellows form upstairs, "Jury Duty is upstairs".  It turns out the bellower is the Handy Court Helper.  At his point, I am losing some of my excitement about jury duty.

Once we make our way upstairs we find ourselves in another line.  I was somewhere in the middle of the line and stood there for about 30 minutes.  No one told us exactly what we were doing in the line or what we were waiting for.  So we just stood there and occasionally moved up.  I noticed several elderly persons with canes but the Handy Court Helper must not have noticed them because they also stood in the line for 30-60 minutes waiting for...well whatever we were waiting for.

After spending my 30 minutes in the line I go around a corner and learn what we have been mysteriously waiting for.   Drum roll please...to check in!  I give the clerk my license and summons and she checks me off a list and hands me my juror handbook and tells me to have a seat.    At that point I am escorted to a court bench and told to sit down.  Apparently they have called in too many jurors on this particular day because the Bailiff keeps telling us all to sit closer together.  We are literally packed into the benches like sardines.  It's to the point that you have to keep both hands on your lap because you can't really push your shoulders back.  I sit in my sardine seat for another 30 minutes. Thank God I brought along a good book but as I 'm reading my romance novel I get to a particularly juicy section.  Then I'm all paranoid that the rest of the sardines are reading my book too and thinking I'm some kind of pervert so I have to close it and just people watch.

After 30 minutes of waiting the court staff realizes that there are not enough seats for all of the sardines.  There are about 30 people with no where to go.  After another 10 minutes they come up with the brilliant idea to put the extra people in a different room.  Really?  Is the first time they have done this!?

Now at this point you can imagine how comfortable we all are.  We are practically sitting on each other's laps, the temperature in the room has gone up 20 degrees and the guy sitting in front of me doesn't smell so good. So guess what time it is?  Juror orientation time of course! You can imagine how thrilled we all are when they turn on a 1980's grainy film that is basically a history lesson on jury duty. Did you know that juries were actually developed in the 1800's?  I didn't...and to be honest neither I nor the smelly guy really cared at this point.  The second part of our orientation consisted of a judge coming out to expand upon the importance of jury duty...FOR 30 MINUTES...sigh.

Once the judge is done talking we are told that we have a 5 minute break and then jury selection will begin.  Sure...all 200 of us should be able to use the bathroom in 5 minutes!  They were not kidding about the 5 minutes because about 30 seconds into our break they were informing us that we needed to head back to the sardine box.  Once we were all firmly packed again...nothing happened.  Once again we sat there waiting.  Nothing was happening so people began to chit chat until we were scolded by the bailiff to be quiet. Really... NOTHING is happening?!  I'm not really enjoying this whole jury duty thing. 

After about 15 minutes some official looking people walk into the court room and sit at the tables in front.  Finally some real action (Yup...I was all kinds of excited again!).  I realize that these are the attorneys and clients.  Yay...I don't know any of them. I have crossed hurdle one!!!

Finally the judge walks in and says that jury selection will begin.  The tell us how this will happen.  What I hear is "Wawawawaw...that guy REALLY smells...wawawawah".  That middle part was from my neighbor sardine.  They begin by telling us that they are going to give some basic info about the trial.  It is a murder trial that took place in Seaford, DE (my heart sinks...strike 1).  It is a domestic violence situation (crap...strike 2) that resulted  in the death of a 3 month old infant (oh dear god!).  At this point I realize that there is no way in heck that I am going to get picked for this jury...but I'm still kind of hoping there is a way I can stay under the radar and make it in even though the subject matter is less than appealing to me. 

They then say that they are going to ask a series of questions and if you answer yes to any of the questions you must come up front and speak to the judge and all four of the attorneys.  The first question is do you know any of these people.  They read the names of the parties involved and then begin a long list of names of police officers from the Seaford police department.  I'm feeling pretty good at this point because I didn't recognize any of the names.  They then start reading the witnesses and damn it...I know one of the first responding nurses professionally.  The judge then says..."If you know any of these people please stand."  I along with about 20 other people stand (it was a huge list of people).  We are then all called to the front individually to speak to the judge and attorneys. 

When it is my turn, the very intimidating judge who is towering over me because he is up on the judge's stand says "Why did you stand up"?  "Well sir", I say, " I know Suzy Q (not her real name) professionally.  I do not work with her on a regular basis but our paths do cross about once a month  at various professional meetings." All four attorneys start scribbling something on their hand dandy note pad.  In my head...please don't kick me out, please don't kick me out.  Very Intimidating Judge says, "What is your profession?"  Crap...I know this is it, my chances are done.  I proceed to tell him exactly what I do.  He then keeps me up there for another 5 minutes questioning me about my training, my job functions, my educational background, my recent policy work and finally says, "Do you feel like you could be an unbiased juror?".  "Yes sir", I say to him, (OMG...am I actually going to be cleared for this?!...in my head of course).  He then tells me to step aside for a minute. He and the attorney's chit chat for a second (yea, they are talking about me...I can't hear what they are saying but they are most definitely talking about me. So rude!) and then he bellows from his perch..."EXCUSED". DOG GONE IT...so close.

I called last night and didn't have to report today.  I'm still hoping to get into a jury sometime over the next two weeks.  PICK ME, PICK ME!  Here's to wishful thinking...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Miss Ghetto America

You probably already know this but Miss America is a BIG deal for my family and I. Growing up, I always watched the pageant with my mom and sister, and then when I was 17 I found myself competing on the Miss America stage as Miss Delaware...It still boggles my mind that I was there!  Five years ago, I was inspired by my husband's fantasy football league and created my family's fantasy pageant, the Miss Ghetto America pageant.  This thing has developed a life of it's own.  We look forward to it all year long! I have gotten a ton of requests to know how we do it so I will try to be as specific as I can in this blog.  It's going to be a long one folks...

My husband is the sole owner of our basement.  This is were his "man cave" is.  I generally keep out of it but once a year for the Miss America party I completely take it over and transform it into the "Pink Palace".  I take down all of his Eagles/Phillies decorations and decorate it in pink and with Miss America gear (it's a tough week for my hubby).

This is the stairs leading into the "Pink Palace." The wall is lined with pictures from past MGA competitions.

The 8x10's are our "formers".

Some of the prizes

We always kick off the event with a champagne toast...
The official Champagne of MGA 2012
  I set up a table that has index cards with all of the contestant photographs on them.  Each card also lists the contestant's name, title, age, talent and platform (yea...I spend an embarrassing amount of time on this).  We then draw numbers to determine our draft order.  When your draft number comes up you go to the table and pick a contestant.  We repeat this process until all contestants are picked.
Draft table
Me with my 2012 picks!  Let's get em girls...

 One of the best parts of the party is the "official junk food feast".  Everyone brings something fattening to munch on and we declare all dishes fat-free for the evening.
The junk food feast...all fat free;-)
One of the most important parts of the event is that everyone must be comfy!  We usually have  a sweat pants or jammies only rule.  Last year we made t-shirts for the event. This year everyone got a uniform...a customized Forever Lazy.  We may all look like we weigh 500lbs but we sure were comfy!!

Our nicknames on the back of our Forever Lazies:-)
 Each contestant is also awarded a tiara and sash with their "local title".  This year we had:  Miss Morning Sickness Mama, Miss Can't Fold Em Milford, Miss iPhone Addict, Miss Moonshine Mama and Miss Prison Guard Princess.  The titles usually make fun of each individuals personality or "issues".
Little Miss America and Miss iPhone Addict
 On the back of every index card there is a sticky note with that state written on it. As they call the top 15 on the telecast, each Miss Ghetto America contestant takes the sticky note off of the back of the card (as the girl is called) and place it on the official competition board.  From there on out anytime a contestant is eliminated from the competition her sticky note is removed from the board.

The Top 15.  It looks like I have it in the bag doesn't it?

Kelly, Miss Can't Fold Em Milford, won a Top 15 prize:-)

 Each MGA contestant is eliminated when she has no more contestants on the board.  This year was crazy because all 5 of us had one girl in the Top 5...what are the odds of that?!  The first MGA contestant to be eliminated must wear the Cool Whip Loser crown.
The 2012 Cool Whip Crown Winner...Miss Can't Fold Em Milford!!!!
 Whomever has the new Miss America is crowned Miss Ghetto America.  Miss Ghetto America wins a crown, sash, scepter, a t-shirt and most importantly bragging rights for an entire year.  And believe me...our winners do brag all year!!!
The 2012 winner is announced...
This year, my mom won the title...For the second year in a row!!!!  Let's just say that the rest of us were not exactly good sports:-)  I should also mention that I was second RU.  I have been competing in this darn pageant for 5 years now and have NEVER done better than second RU.  Are you kidding me?!?!  Next year...
Miss Ghetto America 2012

This is what it is all about.  We literally laugh until we cry:-)
So this year's results...
4th RU:  Kelly "Lil' Mama" Voshell, Miss Can't Fold Em Milford
3rd RU:  Candi "Da Candi Shoppe" Thode, Miss Prison Guard Princess
2nd RU:  Aimee "The Shiz" String, Miss iPhone Addict
1sr RU:  Denise "Pookie D" Forey, Miss Morning Sickness Mama
Miss Ghetto America 2012:  Kaye "Glammie Grammie" Davidson

Best event of the year...I'm pretty sure that 2013 will by MY year!!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Flashback Friday: Miss Delaware 1996

It is Miss America Week.  Every year during Miss America week there is a huge push for all former titleholders to change thier Facebook profile picture to one of yourself with your crown on.  I have never participated in this tradition.  I'm always worried that people will think I'm bragging or that I can't let go of the past.  However, this year so many of my friends did it that I started to feel like I was just being a slacker.  I have loved looking at all of my friends old pictures (fabulous pageant hair, gowns with shoulder pads, etc...what's not to love) so I decided that I would go ahead and add a couple of Miss Delaware pics to facebook. I had so much fun going through my old pictures and trying to decide which ones to use.  Such fun and amazing memories.  I thought I would share a few of my favorites.  Please excuse the quality of pics, they are actually pictures of pictures because I can't figure out how to use the scanner.

The very beautiful Susan Powell (Miss America 1981) and I on the night of my crowning.

My local director brought me a meal from my favorite restaurant to my fancy farewell gala...does she know me or what?  That's Erin Cooper to my left.  She is a dear friend of mine and would go on to become Miss Delaware 2001.

Performing my talent at Miss America

Miss Wyoming 1996 and I before the opening number at the Miss America pageant. She and I are still friends to this day.

At the Miss America "Show us Your Shoes Parade".  One of those boots and this picture is actually on display in the Miss America Museum in Atlantic City.

Miss America Evening Gown

This is the lovely swimsuit that all of the contestants had to wear at Miss America.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Where is My Instruction Book?

I remember somewhere in my pregnancy with Brynn it occurred to me that I had no idea how to parent.  I am the youngest (very spoiled) of three children.  At that time, I already had several nieces and nephews and I had watched my siblings and their spouses parent.  I had even borrowed the occasional niece and nephew for a night but there are fundamental differences between being an Aunt and being a Mom.  As an Aunt my mission was just to spoil them rotten and when they were rotten I could just give them back.  So it was quite a shock to me to realize that I was going to be responsible for actually developing a child into a full fledged, responsible, well-behaved, well-mannered person.  That's a ton of responsibility and pressure!

So what does any soon-to-be Mom do when she comes to the realization that she has no idea what she is doing?  I read the books of course....ALL of the books!  I poured over What to Expect The First Year, What to Expect the Toddler Years, The Ferber Method, Raising a Disciplined Child, Etc.  By the time Brynn actually came along, I was all set to be the perfect Mom and I knew it.   Besides....all of the books ensured me that parenting would come naturally and I would handle each parenting dilemma with grace as they came at me.   AHHHH  HAAAAA   HAAAH....oh how naive!

You know what I learned from those books...a big fat NOTHING!!!  The Authors of those books have obviously never had a child of their own!   The Ferber Method (maybe it's Ferver...who knows?) for example is all about getting your child to sleep through the night and letting them "cry it out".  To be honest this method may work...if you are able to tear your heart out of your chest for a few days so that you no longer care about the heart wrenching sobs coming from your child.  The toddler years talks about using "time out" for a form of discipline for your two-year-old.  I think this may have actually been a misprint.  It  probably actually meant to say that you should put YOURSELF in timeout because honestly who has a two-year-old that will sit where you put him/her for more than 10 seconds?  None of those books told me what to when my 4-year-old threw a temper tantrum in the middle of the school hallway.  None of those books told me what to do when my 1-year-old decides it's fun to climb to the top of the couch and jump off!  And I don't know about the rest of the parents out there but that "grace" that was supposed to come along while I was handling those situations did not happen!

Anyway...I digress.  So what really happened with our first few years of parenting is that Dan and I just bumbled through.  We laughed, we cried, we made mistakes and we learned a ton.  We learned so much that when we became pregnant with Colton we were much more comfortable with our abilities to parent.  We were ready this time!  AHHHHHH  HAAAAAA   HAAAAAA...so naive.

What I have learned is that we are completely starting over in learning about parenting.  The thing about kids is that there are no two exactly like.  Brynn and Colton have VERY different personalities!  Brynn is a rule follower.  She is the kind of kid that wants to know what the boundaries are then she is happy to stay within them.  Colton is a rule tester.  He wants to know what the boundaries are and then he wants to challenge them...repeatedly!  The things that worked for Brynn just don't work for Colton so here we are back at square one.  Don't get me wrong here...I love every single moment of being a parent and there is a huge part of me that loves the challenge of figuring out what will work.  However, once again, there is another part of me that is worried that we may never figure it out.  Maybe I should give "How to Raise a Disciplined Child" another read...nah.

So let me tell you a sneaky thing that parents know about parenting but we can never let the children catch on to...NONE OF US HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT WE ARE DOING!!!!!  We are all just bumbling through while hoping and praying that we are doing the right thing and that our decisions are helping our children develop into mini-Einsteins and not mini-hoodlums.  There is no magic instruction book and even if someone could tell you what worked for their child...it wouldn't work for yours!  And...just when you think you have figured your child out they will come up with a new way to challenge you.  Parenting is the best-most amazing-scariest journey anyone will ever take!  The best that we can hope for is a lot of laughter, some tears, plenty of mistakes and to learn a lot!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sweat Dreams...or Not!

It is the end of an era...Colton has learned to climb out of his crib. 

Last night he did not want to go to bed and began to scream the second Dan put him in his crib (an all too frequent occurrence at the moment).  A few seconds later I noticed that his screams seemed louder than usual and Dan went into the room to snuggle him again (hence, the reason he screams but you try to resist it!).  Much to Dan's surprise Colton met him at the door.  Dan looked at the crib and noticed that Colton's menagerie of animals that HAVE to sleep with him and his Magic Blankie had been piled up to give Colton a boost to make the break.  Dan snuggled him for a minute and then removed all of the animals with the exception of one (take that kiddo!) and left the room.  Once again he immediately begins to scream again (Colton not Dan).  Dan comes downstairs to tell me what has transpired and all of the sudden the screams have gotten louder again.  "Uh Oh" we both say with horrified looks on our face.  Sure enough Colton has figured out a way to get out of the crib sans all of those stuffed animals.

Dan and I realize at this point that we are defeated.  Once that boy makes up his mind to do something (or not do something) that's it.  We realize that we could eventually win the battle, if we choose to put him in the crib 500 times that night.  I mean he is sure to tire out eventually, right?  However, I figured that the possibility of him breaking an arm or leg at some point during the next 500 climbs out of the crib was highly likely.  He is a little accident prone.

So Dan took the crib mattress out of the crib and put it on the floor.  Colton slept on the mattress peacefully for the rest of the night.

There are two reasons why this is devastating to me. 

Reason #1: The last little thing that ties him to babyhood (it is so a word!), is his crib.  He has given up bottles, binkies, the high chair, those cute little infant clothes, etc. but the one thing I could hang onto was my sweet little baby in his crib.  I'm not ready to put the crib away...waaaaaahhhh! 

Reason #2:  I am more than a little concerned that my husband and I may never sleep peacefully again.  Colton is...how should I say this?...Curious!  The translation is that he is into everything and tests every single limit and rule that he possibly can.  Let's just say that he keeps us busy.  So now, we are going to have to be sure to super baby proof every single thing in his room because I have no doubt that he will empty all of his drawers, swing from the blinds, jump off of the train table and a whole host of other things that I haven't even thought of but believe me...he WILL think of them! 

Tonight, we will be taking down the crib (sniff, sniff) and tomorrow we are picking up the big boy bed from storage.  Please pray for us!  It's a good thing he is cute...

Sleeping on the mattress on the floor next to the crib

Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas Break 2011

Christmas break was amazing!  Dan and I were both off for 10 days (well, I did work one day in the middle).  We were so excited to spend time with family and to just spend some time at home with the kids.  We were able to squeeze in so many fun things.  I really should have blogged everyday but...I didn't.  I was too busy having fun:-)  So let me give you a quick picture re-cap of the things that we did:

We went to Chuckie Cheese...
 We hung out/wrestled with family...

We spent some time with homeboys...
 We finger painted...

 We celebrated my sister-in-law's birthday...
 We celebrated the new year with a little poker...
 And some snuggles...
 We had carpet picnics...
We chilled...
 We made funny faces...
 We had camp-ins...
 We snuck in some girl time...
 And...we had the best Christmas break ever!!!!

Happy New Year everyone!!!  I hope 2012 is amazing for all of us:-)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas 2011

Last night my husband informed that I am a "blog slacker" so I thought I should probably catch up. 

Our Christmas was the best ever.  The kids just loved every single minute of it which made Dan and I the happiest parents in the world. I know that we only have a few precious years where it is all magical to both kids so I just soaked up every single moment.

I woke up super early on Christmas morning (incapable of sleeping in I tell you!) and went downstairs to get a head start on the Monkey Bread (which is our traditional Christmas morning breakfast).  We were expecting some of the grandparents to come over to watch the kids open presents so I ended up having to wake the kids (and Dan) up at 6:30.  Brynn woke up Aunt Patty and Uncle Ross and Grammie & Grampie and Mommom & Pops arrived shortly after. 

Look what Santa put in our stockings!
It was really fun to see how big the kids' eyes got when they came down the stairs in the morning.  Brynn was desperately hoping that Santa would bring her a Rapunzel Tower and Bullseye (the horse from Toy Story).  Santa delivered those and Brynn was thrilled that she also got a ring that she wanted but had forgotten to tell Santa about.  Brynn opened all of her gifts as fast as she could (mama's girl). Colton on the other hand was mostly excited to see all of the people that were in the living room when he woke up.  The first thing that he saw (after the people) was a race car ramp which he loved.  After that he was totally over opening presents and wanted to hang out with family instead. 
Loved all of her presents!
That little fuzzy head just melts my heart!
After we finished opening the mountain of gifts and ate some breakfast it was time to head to my Dad's house for more presents.  We are so spoiled:-)  Dad and my Stepmom made us another huge breakfast (yay scrapple!) before it was time to open more gifts.
At Mommom & Poppop's house
We spent a few hours at my Dad's and then it was time to head back home to get dinner started.  Dan's parents and my Mom & Stepdad all came over for dinner.  We ate lots of yummy food (my first ham turned out pretty darn good) and then we just watched the kids play with their new toys (and Colton finally finished opening up his presents!).  We also got in a little FaceTime action with the Willman crew.
Choo Choo!

All in all it was a wonderful Christmas.  We all ended up feeling a little spoiled and very grateful for all of the blessings in our lives.